If you were to ask Wayne Imber what he most enjoys doing, two answers would readily come to mind: traveling and skiing. If you’ve been to this site before, you’ve probably read his post about traveling to destinations that also give him the opportunity to ski; two of his favorite things rolled into one great adventure! Join Wayne Imber as he discovers the world, and learn more about each country’s culture, history, and people.

Why travel?

There are numerous benefits to traveling, but none, in the opinion of Wayne Imber, can be greater than learning about different cultures and being able to shift your perspective to embrace the world’s cultural diversity. Getting to meet some of the locals is a privilege that Wayne is grateful for on every journey. With each country that he has visited, from China to Hong Kong, Italy, the U.K, and the Philippines, he finds that his experiences have enriched his life in ways that he knows he would have never experienced had he not embarked upon his various journeys.

Learning to embrace each culture’s uniqueness is one of the gifts of travel. You could say that traveling has changed Wayne Imber in many ways as well. Whenever he travels, especially on solo trips, he learns something new about how others view the world. Traveling has opened his eyes to the wonderful differences between ours and other cultures, influenced by so many factors.

Traveling also taught Wayne Imber about the importance of getting out of your comfort zone because it’s there that you truly discover what you’re made of, and appreciate your resilience, strengths and weaknesses, as well as your capacity to navigate a world completely different from your own.

Learning how to relax and enjoy the moment is also one of the lessons that he learned through traveling. In the beginning, with rushed schedules and itineraries, Wayne Imber has been used to following the schedules that apply to the task at the time. Over time, he further appreciated the importance of enjoying the moment, because it is in these moments that you truly see the world.

Lastly, traveling made Wayne Imber appreciate the fact that we should make the most of every day. Not everyone is given the privilege to experience middle and old age, as exemplified by his father, who passed away at age 47 (Wayne was 17) . Seize the day, is a good guideline. He tells his friends to take every opportunity presented to them to travel, to discover the world, and simply experience life. We only get one shot at this life, so why not make the most of it discovering the world and forging new friendships?

Kindly stay tuned to this page for more travel posts from Wayne Imber. For comments or suggestions, please feel free to leave him a message at your convenience.